Category Archives: Battle of Britain Almshouses Ostend Raid and Francis O’Connor

Ostend Raid, Francis O’Connor and the Battle of Britain Almshouses

Following the outbreak World War I (1914-1918) in August 1914, Germany swept through Belgium routing the country’s army and capturing the Belgium coast. There they commandeered the ship canal at Bruges as a base for submarines (U-boats), as it provided outlets … Continue reading

Posted in Battle of Britain Almshouses Ostend Raid & Francis O'Connor, Battle of Britain Almshouses Ostend Raid and Francis O’Connor, Battle of Britain Almshouses Ostend Raid and Francis O’Connor, Buildings, Hospitals and Health, Ostend Raid Francis O’Connor and the Battle of Britain Almshouses, World War II | Comments Off on Ostend Raid, Francis O’Connor and the Battle of Britain Almshouses