Category Archives: Aerial Ropeway and Richard Tilden Smith

Richard Tilden Smith and the Aerial Ropeway

At the eastern end of Eastern docks, at the point where the dock road turns seawards, high in the cliffs can be seen two bricked in tunnels. One is the entrance and the other the exit to what were twin … Continue reading

Posted in Aerial Ropeway and Richard Tilden Smith, Aerial Ropeway and Richard Tilden Smith, Aerial Ropeway and Richard Tilden Smith, Buildings, Businesses, Eythorne and Elvington, Kent Coal Field, People, Routes, Tilden Smith Richard and the Aerial Ropeway, Tilden Smith Richard and the Aerial Ropeway, Tilden Smith Richard and the Aerial Ropeway | Comments Off on Richard Tilden Smith and the Aerial Ropeway