Riverside Centre, Maison Dieu Gardens, Lidice Plaque, Coleman’s Trust and Jack Hewitt

Riverside Centre

Riverside Centre

It was back in the 1960s that a local GP, Brian Ordish, expressed concern that although there were, at that time, 3,000 people in Dover over 60 years, they did not have a special centre of their own. Dr Ordish was particularly concerned about those living alone, not getting adequate nutritional food and the lack sufficient heating in their homes.

The cost of a building was calculated at £12,000 and a further £1,000 for furniture and equipment. In 1966 a trust was set up under the Chairmanship of Father Terence Edmund Tanner and consisted of James A Johnson (Town Clerk), Cllr. Arthur Edward Husk, Mrs Anne Jardine Pressley and Miss Winifred Ellen Young. The purpose of the trust was,  The provision upkeep and operation of a Community Centre for the use and benefit of old people being inhabitants of Dover … without distinction of sex or colour or of political religious or other opinions and the provision in such a Centre of facilities for social welfare recreation and leisure time occupation all with the object of improving the condition of life of old people to use the same.’

In 1920 Dover Corporation bought Brook House and was using the attractive building for offices. As a goodwill gesture, in 1966, they offered part of the grounds near the River Dour, for the Centre. They also agreed to give £5,000 towards the cost of the building, which had been designed by Borough Engineer, David Bevan. The Casselden Trust, a local charity, gave a further £2,750 and Kent County Council (KCC) made a 50% grant towards the expenditure on furniture and equipment. The remainder of the costs was met by voluntary subscription.

Local builders, R. J. Barwick and Sons Ltd, faced two major problems with the site. The close proximity to the River Dour meant that there was likely to be flooding and there was also an ongoing drainage problem due to badly constructed road surfaces in the vicinity. They overcame the danger of flooding by building an embankment, on the cofferdam principle, around the foundations and raising the floor of the building three-foot above ground level. As for surface drainage, this was dealt with by specially constructed soakaways in the vicinity of Brook House. These, ironically, were covered when Brook House was demolished and the car park that can be seen today was laid.

Present Manager, Karen Tranter with Marion Holmes Administration Assistant

Present Manager, Karen Tranter with Marion Holmes Administration Assistant

On completion, KCC agreed to pay the annual salary of a Warden, the first of which was  W. J. Farringdon. He was soon after supported by a team of volunteers. The Dover Old People’s Community Centre or Riverside Centre as it became known opened its doors on 1 November 1967. Although there was some scepticism as to whether the older folk of Dover would actually use the centre, the first year saw an average attendance of 150 people a day!

In 1975 the Friends of Riverside formed and by 1986, the Riverside Centre had approximately 600 paid-up members. In June that year, an agreement was reached between Dover Age Concern and the Trustees of the Centre for Age Concern to provide extra facilities. Renamed Dover Age UK, in 1989, the activities offered by Centre these days include art groups, a computer suite – with classes, weekend outings and numerous other activities.

The Riverside Centre also provides products and services from car insurance to minor hearing-aid repairs and batteries, from Wills and legal services to holidays. In 2012 the UK Dover Community Support Service was registered with the Care Quality Commission as a provider of Domiciliary Care. This enables vulnerable people to continue living in their own homes.
Useful Telephone numbers:
Riverside Centre: 01304 207268 or karen@ageukdover.org.uk
UK Dover Community Support Service – 01304 208662
Dover Age UK Charity Shop, High Street, Dover England: 01304 209711

Riverside garden from across the River Dour

Riverside garden from across the River Dour

It was in 1953 that the Rotary Club had suggested that a garden should be laid out especially for the aged and the blind and this was put to the Council in November that year. They agreed and suggested the old electricity works cooling pond site, now under part of Brook House car park, however, nothing more happened. With the possibility of the Riverside Centre being built, the Rotary Club renewed their request for a garden and at the time the Riverside Centre was opened the adjacent garden was laid out with special sweet-smelling plants for the blind to enjoy.

The garden was dedicated, on 23 September 1969, by the then Czechoslovakian ambassador, Dr M Ruzeka, to Lidice, a former mining village in the Czech Republic, near Prague. The ambassador was, at the time, on a goodwill visit to the then Kent Coalfield. The village of Lidice was destroyed on 10 June 1942 on the orders of Adolph Hitler and Reichsfurer-SS Heinrich Himmler as a reprisal following the assassination of Reich Protector Reinhard Heydrich. All the men in the village over the age of 16-years, some 173, plus many others were executed. The women and most of the children were deported to the Chelmno extermination camp. Those children who were considered suitable were given to SS families. Following World War II (1939-1945) 153 women and 17 children returned to what had been Lidice but had been razed to the ground.

Bare board where one the Lidice Plaque was situated - behind urn in Riverside Gardens

Bare board where one the Lidice Plaque was situated – behind urn in Riverside Gardens

The plaque has since gone missing and regardless of repeated requests, no organisation appears interested in replacing it. On the original plaque the following was engraved:
‘This small garden was planted in 1967 as a Local Contribution to the International Recognition then given to the 25 Anniversary of the Destruction of the Czechoslovakian
Mining Village of Lidice in June 1942 and to those High Qualities of Flash, Mind and Spirit exemplified in the rebirth of Lidice And the great International Rose Garden Planted there…’
With the added legend: ‘the qualities of flesh, mind and spirit exemplified in the rebirth of Lidice and the great international rose garden planted there.’

The nearby urn, according to local historian the late Joe Harman, is probably a relic of the once beautiful Brook House gardens.

Seat dedicated to Richard Vincent Coleman (1831-1900) - Riverside Gardens

Seat dedicated to Richard Vincent Coleman (1831-1900) – Riverside Gardens

The special garden laid out by the Rotary Club is no more, but the area is neatly kept and is a delight for anyone who wants a quiet repose. Two of the seats are of particular interest. The first is dedicated to Richard Vincent Coleman (1831-1909). The Coleman’s were an old Dover family who up until 1843 leased Priory Farm, now the site of Dover College, from the Archbishop of Canterbury. About that time the family purchased the ‘Shrubbery’ on Crabble Hill / Brookfield Avenue.

The original house was probably built for Vice-Admiral Sir John Bentley (died 14 December 1772) but was demolished some years later by William Horne of the Buckland Paper Mill family. His new house was set further back from the road and was noted for the style and elegance of the gardens and it was this that the Coleman’s bought. From 1828, when the Dover Dispensary was founded in Market Square,  the Coleman’s took an active part in the provision of hospital care for locals.

Coleman Convalescent Home 1930s, Brookfield Avenue. Dover Library

Coleman Convalescent Home 1930s, Brookfield Avenue. Dover Library

Eventually the Royal Victoria Hospital on the High Street was built and under the Will of Richard Vincent Coleman the estate was put into the hands of Trustees of the Hospital to provide a Convalescent and Nursing Home for the poor of Dover. Richard’s estate included the Shrubbery, nearby Jasmine cottage and three houses on Crabble Hill. The Trustees took the decision that the Shrubbery was not suitable as a Convalescent home and the house was demolished in the 1920’s. The materials and the other three houses were sold and Lady Northbourne opened a new, purpose-built, Convalescent Home in March 1925.

Initially, the Coleman Convalescent Home was successful but in the mid 1930s the number of patients started to fall and in 1938, with the consent of the Charity Commissioners, the Home was leased to the Royal Victoria Hospital as a nurses’ residence. It remained a nurses’ home under the post war South East Kent Hospital Management Committee within the newly formed National Health Service. In recent years the house has been completely refurbished and is now part of the community care programme particularly for mental health patients. The Coleman Trust still exists to provide relief of need to the ‘sick, convalescent, disabled, handicapped or infirm’ by way of ‘items, services or facilities.’ The Clerk of the Coleman Trust is solicitor Father Peter Sherred.

Mayor, Sue Jones and members of the Dover Society when the seat to Jack Hewitt was dedicated - Riverside Gardens 11.02.2011

Mayor, Sue Jones and members of the Dover Society when the seat to Jack Hewitt was dedicated – Riverside Gardens 11.02.2011

The second seat is dedicated to Jack Hewitt (1912-2004), another great benefactor to the people of Dover. A character, Jack was well known for his salutation: ‘Greetings’, which he always used, so he said, because of his poor memory for names. The son of a Crafford Street baker, for most of his life Jack was heavily involved in the St John Ambulance and the Boy Scouts movement. For the latter he received, in 1996, a well-deserved M.B.E. for his lifetime work.

However, it was felt by many that he should have received the honour some 56 years before. On Monday 11 September 1940, during World War II, Dover was bombed and simultaneously shelled. At 1 Townwall Passage, 20-year-old Lena Amos, threw herself over her five-month old baby daughter Jean as the house tumbled down on them. Jack was the Leader of the First Aid Party that tunnelled through debris and rescued the baby Jean. Tragically, Lena had been killed. Others involved in the rescue and similar rescues carried out that day were given awards for their bravery, but not Jack. Years later it was said that he had been left out because the others had been part of the official rescue squad while Jack was just ‘a First Aid man.’ The town honoured Jack by naming the newly laid road near where his parent’s bakery had once stood – Hewitt Road.

On his death, Jack left a legacy to St Mary’s Church. Appropriately in view of Jack’s keen interest in youth work, the Parochial Church Council (PCC) decided to use part of the money to set up a Youth Scheme in his name which offers grants to young people and youth organisations in the Dover area. Applications can be made to:
The Secretary – Jack Hewitt Youth Fund
Parish Office
St Mary’s Parish Centre
Dieu Stone Lane
England CT16 1BY

  • Published:
  • Dover Mercury: 25 January 2007
Posted in Coleman's Trust Riverside Centre Lidice Plaque and Jack Hewitt, Hewitt Jack Riverside Centre Lidice Plaque and Coleman's Trust, Hospitals and Health, Kent Coal Field, Lidice Plaque Riverside Centre Coleman's Trust and Jack Hewitt, Maison Dieu Gardens & Riverside Centre, People, Riverside Centre Lidice Plaque Coleman's Trust and Jack Hewitt | Comments Off on Riverside Centre, Maison Dieu Gardens, Lidice Plaque, Coleman’s Trust and Jack Hewitt

Ostend Raid, Francis O’Connor and the Battle of Britain Almshouses

Vindictive on her return to Dover following Zeebrugge Raid courtesy of the Doyle collection

Vindictive on her return to Dover following Zeebrugge Raid courtesy of the Doyle collection

Following the outbreak World War I (1914-1918) in August 1914, Germany swept through Belgium routing the country’s army and capturing the Belgium coast. There they commandeered the ship canal at Bruges as a base for submarines (U-boats), as it provided outlets to the North Sea at Zeebrugge and Ostend. The German intention was to force Britain to surrender by the destruction of shipping on which the country depended for food and other supplies. It was in order to protect supply lines that the Dover Patrol was formed.

Although the German blockade was reduced in April 1917 about 875,000 tons of British and Allied was destroyed that month and the subsequent food shortages had led to the introduction of rationing. The Admiralty therefore proposed a daring raid on the Zeebrugge and Ostend outlets of the Bruges U-boat base. Vice-Admiral Roger John Brownlow Keyes was appointed to formulate a plan.

As described in the story Zeebrugge Raid, on this website, Vice Admiral Keynes proposed to sink blockships in the canals leading to Bruges in order to prevent the German submarines getting out. Daring raids on both Zeebrugge and Ostend harbours took place in 1918 and although the mission to Ostend was not so successful, the Zeebrugge Raid was. Albeit, out of the 1,700 men who went on the Zeebrugge Raid, 200 were killed and 400 wounded. Of those killed, 156 were brought back to the then Dover’s Market Hall (now the Museum), of which sixty-six were buried in St James Cemetery. On the exterior wall of the Museum is a Dover Society plaque commemorating those who died during the raid.

Zeebrugge Bell, Maison Dieu the former Town Hall

Zeebrugge Bell, Maison Dieu the former Town Hall

In recognition of the Zeebrugge Raid, King Albert I of Belgium (1909-1934) presented Dover with the bell that had hung at the end of the Zeebrugge Mole. This is hung in a dedicated alcove outside the Maison Dieu, Dover’s former Town Hall. Every year, on the morning of 23 April, the mayor, as part of an impressive ceremony, rings it.

For the Zeebrugge Bell to be rung at 23.15hours on the night of Friday 31 October 1925 took everyone by surprise. Soon a crowd gathered and there, by the Bell, was the diminutive Dovorian Francis O’Connor of 5 Caroline Place – now the site of Stembrook car park. He told the assembled throng that he was one of the crew of the Vindictive when it was placed at the mouth of Ostend harbour 8 years previously. As a result, he suffered serious injuries. For these he received the scanty pension of 12s (60p) a week on which he had to keep his wife and family. Before he could say any more the police arrived and Francis was arrested for disturbing the peace.

In custody, a medical practitioner declared that Francis was sane and the following morning he appeared in front of the magistrates headed by the Mayor, Captain Thomas Bodley Scott RN. Without any legal council, Francis told the Mayor that he had served on the destroyer Faulkner during the Zeebrugge Raid and had volunteered to go on the Vindictive for the Ostend raid three weeks later. When the ship ran aground, he was in the engine room and was one of the last ones to leave.

What happened next he could not recall other than he was rescued from the sea by a French vessel and taken to a hospital in France. There, Francis was nursed and after several weeks returned to England. As he had been reported missing believed drowned, his family, he said, ‘greeted me with great joy’.

Emigration to Canada advert, Dover Express 13 July 1923

Emigration to Canada advert, Dover Express 13 July 1923

Unfortunately, the injuries Francis had sustained left him with disabilities that still required intermittent hospital treatment. Through a government scheme, he had been undertaking retraining as a cabinet-maker. Two and a half months prior to completion, due to time off for hospital visits, the pension authorities had terminated both his training and allowances. He had seen an advert advertising emigration to Canada in the local papers, but they too had turned him down and now he and his family were almost destitute as he had no prospects of employment.

Mayor, Captain Bodley Scott, along with the other magistrates, listened but showed no emotion. They left the Court for deliberation and on return, their attitude still appeared to be cold. Head bowed Francis expected the worse when the Mayor announced that under the circumstances all charges would be dropped. Further, the Mayor would personally write to the pension authorities and demand the Francis should receive ‘better treatment!’

On 15 March 1974, a small notice appeared in the local papers. It stated that Francis O’Connor, the last survivor of the cruiser Vindictive, which was sunk at Ostend, had died the previous Sunday. He was 77 and lived at the Battle of Britain Homes.

Battle of Britain Almshouses. Municipal Charities of Dover

Battle of Britain Almshouses. Municipal Charities of Dover

The Battle of Britain Homes are one of three Dover almshouses off York Street and administered by the Municipal Charities of Dover. Like many other towns, Dover has had almshouses since Tudor period that provides shelter for the poorer members of the community in their old age. However, during World War II some of the town’s almshouses were destroyed or badly damaged and had to be demolished while others, that had survived, were demolished to build the York Street by-pass in 1970.

Although Dover’s Royal Victoria Hospital, in the High Street, did survive the war, on 17 April 1945 a national appeal was launched to provide a Battle of Britain Memorial Hospital in Dover. H.R.H Princess Elizabeth – later Queen Elizabeth II, consented to be the patron. The hospital was to be a memorial to the heroes of the Battle of Britain and every airman who died in the battle was to be listed on a commemorative plaque within its vestibule.

The former Royal Victoria Hospital, High Street

The former Royal Victoria Hospital, High Street

The Chairman of the fund committee was local coal merchant, philanthropist Henry Hawksfield and the committee envisaged that the new hospital would be a ‘Temple of Healing, with a beacon of light as a re-creation of the Royal Victoria Hospital’. It was proposed that the new hospital would have 100 beds and a 24-bedded maternity unit. A target of £250,000 was set but more than £40,000 was raised. The trustees of the fund were Henry Hawksfield, John Husk and George Youden. £16,000 was used to purchase land for the site of the new hospital but due to the birth of the National Health Service in 1948, the Royal Victoria Hospital was nationalised along with the former Buckland workhouse. The latter had been designated a County Hospital in 1943. Contributions stopped coming in, the land was sold but what to do with the funds became a problem.

Dover’s Member of Parliament (1922 -1945), Major the Hon. John Jacob Astor, asked for his money back as did others, leaving a residue of £38,396. In April 1955, the two remaining trustees of the fund – John Husk had died in 1953 – asked Mr Justice Upjohn, in the Chancery Division of the High Court, to decide what should be done with the residue:

  • Should they be vested in the Minister of Health?
  • Partly in the Minister and the South-East Kent Hospital Committee?
  • Held for a specific or general trust?
  • Returned to the donors.

A statement from the Minister of Health, Iain Macleod (1913-1970), said that the department did not contend that the money was an endowment for the Royal Victoria Hospital.

Mr Justice Upjohn ruled that the money could be used for a charitable purpose.

In January 1960 plans were passed to build 42 new almshouses to replace those demolished to make way for York Street. In March that year an official Notice was published saying that the Battle of Britain Memorial Fund was to be used for ‘improving the amenities and endowments of the local almshouses.’ Objections were heard but the Attorney General, Sir Reginald Manningham-Buller (1905– 1980), upheld Mr Justice Upjohn’s ruling and the fund was used towards the building of the almshouses.

Battle of Britain bungalows part of the Almshouse complex. Municipal Charities of Dover

Battle of Britain bungalows part of the Almshouse complex. Municipal Charities of Dover

A second set of plans were drawn up in 1961 for 33 flats and three bungalows part of the cost coming from the money raised by the 1945 Battle of Britain Hospital appeal. The building of the almshouses was started in 1962 and two years later, the first residents moved in. Named the battle of Britain Homes, they were re-modelled and extended in the late 1990s to provide 17 flats and 9 maisonettes as well as the terrace of 3 bedsit bungalows. The refurbished flats were opened on 20th June 1998 by Brigadier D H Godsal MBE, Deputy Constable of Dover Castle. The first floor flats have a wonderful view of Dover Castle on the opposite Heights.

One of the first residents who moved in the Battle of Britain Almshouses in January 1965, was Francis O’Connor – the last survivor of the cruiser Vindictive, which was sunk at Ostend in 1918.

  • Published:
  • Dover Mercury: 15 and 22 April 2010
Posted in Battle of Britain Almshouses Ostend Raid & Francis O'Connor, Battle of Britain Almshouses Ostend Raid and Francis O’Connor, Battle of Britain Almshouses Ostend Raid and Francis O’Connor, Buildings, Hospitals and Health, Ostend Raid Francis O’Connor and the Battle of Britain Almshouses, World War II | Comments Off on Ostend Raid, Francis O’Connor and the Battle of Britain Almshouses

Dover, St Margaret’s and Martin Mill Railway Line – Part II

Part 1 of the story of  Dover, St Margaret’s and Martin Mill Light Railway Company (Light Railway Company), describes its formation in 1909 and was owned by:

  • Sir William Crundall – Chairman of Dover Harbour Board;
  • Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray – whose company, Pearsons, had successfully tendered to build the Admiralty Harbour,
  • Sir John Jackson who had been involved in the building the Admiralty Harbour. The railway line was generally known as the Pearson Line.
Dover - Martin Mill Pearson Railway Line - schematic drawing

Dover – Martin Mill Pearson Railway Line – schematic drawing

The railway line was generally known as the Pearson Line.

The company had applied, in 1914, for the renewal of their powers to carry coal through the streets of Dover with a view to extending the line from the Western docks to the Eastern Dockyard. The Town Council opposed this, but due to outbreak of World War I (1914-1918), the case was deferred. In order to carry explosives to war-ships berthed in the Camber, at the eastern Dockyard, the War Office decided to build a Sea Front Railway, using the powers that were likely to have been awarded to the Light Railway Company.

Pearson’s successfully tendered and work on what was to become the Sea Front Railway was eventually started in 1918. Single-track and running the length of the promenade from the Prince of Wales Pier to the Eastern Dockyard, the lines that had been used for the Pearson Line and belonging to the Light Railway Company, were taken up and used. It had passing loops and catch points so that trains could run in both directions but soon after the line was laid an accident occurred so a low fence was erected on each side.

Following the death of Sir John Jackson, in December 1919, the Light Railway Company was taken over by the Channel Steel Company. They applied, in 1920, to run a line from the Sea Front Railway at New Bridge, along Camden Crescent, then Liverpool Street (now the rear of the Gateway flats), and following the base of the cliffs to Eastern Dockyard. It was expected that the cliff side residences of East Cliff and Athol Terrace would be demolished.

Old railway track along the cliffs looking towards the Castle

Old railway track along the cliffs looking towards the Castle

At the Eastern Dockyard it was envisaged that a railway station would be built and the previously cut road would become a railway track that through a newly constructed tunnel, would join the track of the old Pearsons line. This would then be extended Sea Street, St Margaret’s where another station would be built. The line would then cross the countryside to join the Dover-Deal railway line at Martin Mill.

The new proposal was given outline approval by Dover Corporation with the preference for the construction to be a road not a railway track. This was due to the continuing rise in unemployment in the town  – a situation that was prevalent throughout the country  at the time – more men could be employed to build a road then a railway. If, however, the company were mindful to create a railway then, the Corporation said, their preference was for the facility to be a tramway, similar to that, which already existed in Dover at the time. Finally, whatever the company decided, colliery trucks could only be used on land purchased by the company and the track could not go through the town.

The Company chose the road option following the route given in the outline proposal. It was to be 50feet (16 metres) wide with a 15-feet (5 metres) wide pavement on each side. The estimated cost was £43,000 and it was expected to provide employment for up to 300 men. The council suggested that Pearsons paid one third, the Corporation a third and it would be expected that the government’s Unemployment Grants Committee would pay the remainder.

The road to St Margaret's when it was started prior to World War I

The road to St Margaret’s when it was started prior to World War I

In the autumn of 1922, Pearsons joined forces with steel makers Dorman Long, to form Pearson & Dorman Long Company and take over most of the rights from the Kent Coal Concessions. The latter company had been set up by Arthur Burr, the East Kent mining entrepreneur, in 1896 with the purpose of buying potential underground coal fields but not surface land. By 1906, the company had secured coal mining rights in East Kent sufficient, it was said, for 20 collieries. Burr’s large portfolio of mining associated companies in East Kent were consolidated in 1913 under the name of Kent Coal Concessions. The giant steel makers, Dorman Long held 30,000 shares in the consolidated company as borings had confirmed the existence of iron stone. In 1917, a partial consolidation had created the Channel Steel Company and included Snowdown Colliery. Although Kent Coal Concessions did retain some mineral rights, due to the economic depression no one was interested in leasing them and in 1925, the company folded.

Having amalgamated the newly styled Pearson Dorman Long company immediately started the preliminary work on what resulted in Betteshanger Colliery. However, as they did not own the surface land they were unable to sink the pit. Albeit, through the subsidiary, Channel Steel Company, they proposed building a steel works between Dover and St Margaret’s adjacent to the proposed new road and Dover Corporation gave their approval.

The council applied to the Unemployment Grants Committee stating that the cost for the new road was £56,000. The Committee asked for the plans to be modified and suggested that the Ministry of Transport and Kent County Council (KCC) should contribute towards the costs. While these applications were being made the road was put on hold. During the winter of 1923-24, the revised estimate had increased to £129,000 but government financing was not forthcoming.

Sir William Crundall, Chairman of Dover Harbour Board

Sir William Crundall, Chairman of Dover Harbour Board

On 29 September 1923, the Admiralty formerly handed the port over to the Dover Harbour Board (DHB), still headed by Sir William Crundall. This included the Sea Front Railway line but the Eastern Dockyard was retained by the Admiralty and let on lease to Stanlee Ship-breaking Company. The Camber was retained for Admiralty purposes.

During spring and summer of 1924, Dover’s Mayor, Richard Barwick, and the Town Clerk, Reginald Knocker, visited various government departments laying before them the urgent need for unemployment relief. The Ministry of Transport relented and sanctioned the borrowing of £45,000. In the autumn of 1924 sites near Kingsdown were put on the market through Protheroe and Morris of Cheapside, London. Channel Collieries Trust held the mineral rights under the property and the sites were bought by Pearson Dorman Long – at last, they could sink Betteshanger Colliery.

Unemployment continued to rise and in 1925 DHB applied to Parliament to close Dover harbour’s Western entrance. They wanted to run a railway line along the Southern Breakwater to load Kent coal onto ships for export from there. However, the disparity in exchange rates between the UK and the Continent meant that the country was importing coal and the application came under a lot of criticism.

On the subject of Exchange Rate parity and the negative effect it was having on British industry, Sir Arthur Dorman made a powerful and well reported speech (Economist 19.12.1925). He begged the government for equal parity in the exchange rates but the response was: ‘a strong £ was the sign of a strong country.‘ Pearson Dorman Long wrote to the council saying that they could no longer afford to contribute to the cost of the road.

Cheap imports of coal continued to affect the domestic industry but in February 1926, the government did give a grant of £2m to the Kent coalfields. However, at midnight on 3 May saw the beginning of the General Strike. In October, that year, the council finally heard from the Unemployment Grants Committee through a letter sent to the town’s Member of Parliament (1922 -1945), Major the Hon. John Jacob Astor. The Committee had declined to provide a grant for the East Cliff Road, the reason given was that ‘unemployment in Dover was not sufficiently exceptional to warrant relief.’ It was generally felt that the refusal was retaliatory because East Kent miners had joined the national strike.

Richard Tilden Smith, the main shareholder of Tilmanstone Colliery. Dover Museum

Richard Tilden Smith, the main shareholder of Tilmanstone Colliery. Dover Museum

Richard Tilden Smith, who had been involved in a bitter legal action against the Dover, St Margaret’s and Martin Mill Light Railway Company in 1913, bought Tilmanstone Colliery from the Official Receiver in November 1926. At the same time an application was made by Tilmanstone (Kent) Collieries Ltd for the right to carry an aerial ropeway for a distance of 6½ miles (this was stated in the original application) from their colliery. This was to include a tunnel being cut through the cliffs to the Eastern Dockyard. The proposed course extended over land owned by 18 different personages one of which was Southern Railway. Although permission was granted, Southern Railway, and the Pearson, Dorman Long’s Channel Steel Company appealed but this was overturned and works started.

In 1927 Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray, died. Under the 1896 terms of agreement between the War Department and Pearsons, the line from East Cliff to Langdon Hole had to be restored to its original condition. In May 1929, the War Offivce took legal action forcing Channel Steel Company to pay £1,300 compensation for the breach of covenant. The next month, the same Department sold the land to … the Channel Steel Company!

Richard Tilden Smith's New Industrial Eden

Richard Tilden Smith’s New Industrial Eden

At the same time, Tilden Smith leased 24 acres of land at Langdon Hole from the War Office for cement works that would utilise chalk from Dover’s white cliffs. He also planned steel and brick works nearby – that was to be part of his plan for East Kent to become the New Industrial Eden. While on 17 March 1927, Southern Railway sought permission to carry coal on the Sea Front Railway and along the Eastern Arm of the Eastern Dockyard to specially built giant bunkers.

Eastern Docks - Aerial Ropway tunnels now blocked

Eastern Docks – Aerial Ropway tunnels now blocked

In August 1928 a giant coal staithe, commissioned by Tilden Smith was started at the end of Eastern Arm. Built of ferro-concrete by the Yorkshire Hennebique Construction Company and held 5000-tons of coal. Tilden Smith’s, now 7½ mile, aerial ropeway from Tilmanstone colliery to the Eastern Arm was formerly opened on 14 February 1930. The ceremony was simple as Tilden Smith had died suddenly in the House of Commons on 18 December 1929. The tunnels, through which the ropeway ran to the Eastern Arm, can still be seen.

Giant Coal Staithe - Eastern Arm

Giant Coal Staithe – Eastern Arm

DHB withdrew its proposal to close the Western entrance and focused on increasing the number of coal sidings at the Eastern Dockyard. It was clear that this was to enable the export of coal from Pearson Dorman Long’s Snowdown and Betteshanger collieries. In 1931 Southern Railway paid to have a low coal staithe built adjacent to Tilden Smiths giant staithe. It was designed to take ten hours to load 5,000 tons of coal and cost £22,000. The first ship to be loaded was the Kenneth Hawksfield that took on board 2,400-tons from Snowdown Colliery on 19 April 1932.

Although it was suggested that a rail link would be built through a tunnel from the Eastern Arm to join the Deal railway line at Kearsney, until such time the Sea Front railway was to be used. It was anticipated that the new railway line would be in use 14-hours a day and would carry 800,000tons of coal a year together with scrap iron and oil for refuelling ships. The coal was transported on the Sea Front Railway.

Seafront Railway c 1955 - Waterloo Crescent No 31027 a P-class 0-6-0 tank-engine

Seafront Railway c 1955 – Waterloo Crescent No 31027 a P-class 0-6-0 tank-engine

The first train from Snowdown Colliery at 09.00 and in the next 23-hours, 18 trainloads of coal was carried on the Sea Front Railway line choking its whole course with dust. 17,000 Dovorians signed a petition that was sent to the House of Lords. Parliament restricted the use of the Railway to carrying a maximum of 500,000 tons of coal a year and only during day light. In 1933, Parliament approved a DHB Bill for a 1.75-mile railway line from the Kearsney junction, on the Deal line, through a tunnel to the Eastern dockyard. Although this would have obviated the need of the Sea Front Railway to carry coal, with the death of Sir William Crundall, the Chairman of DHB, in 1934, the scheme was abandoned as too expensive.

On 1 April 1934, Dover Borough municipal boundaries were extended bringing in to the Borough, Eastern Dockyard and Arm but the cliffs overlooking the area remained part of the Rural District. That same year, the council resurrected the idea of finishing the Cliff Road to St Margaret’s utilising the earlier Light Railway Company’s permit. This had been renewed every year and was given added impetus in 1937 when, due to war preparations and the shortage of scrap iron, the remaining track of what had once been the Pearsons line was lifted.

Dover- Martin Mill Military Railway - schematic drawing

Dover- Martin Mill Military Railway – schematic drawing

Following the outbreak of World War II (1939-1945), the War Office instigated the building of the Martin Mill Military Railway, operated and manned by the Royal Engineers and using diesel locomotives. The line followed the original Pearson route from Martin Mill to a point called RDF Junction, about 900 feet ( 275 metres) past the then Dover-Deal road bridge. Here it divided, with the ‘main line’ turning north-east to service the guns, Winnie and Pooh. Passing beneath Winnie‘s gun barrel it crossed the St Margaret’s – Martin Mill Road to Pooh‘s position.

Winnie and Pooh were two 14-inch ex-naval guns manned by the Royal Marines and were capable of firing their missiles across the 21-mile wide Dover Strait to France. Winnie was installed during the Battle of Britain, in 1940 on St Margaret’s golf course and was soon after joined by Pooh, located along the Kingsdown Road.

Winnie or Pooh WWII

Winnie or Pooh WWII

A second line, from the RDF Junction, went straight ahead for about half a mile, then in a north-east direction for another half a mile. This served the Wanstone and South Foreland Batteries, the latter was equipped with four 9.2-inch guns. Another battery, close to RAF camp on Reach Road, later the St Margaret’s holiday camp, was served by a branch line from Decoy Junction – this was named after a dummy Winnie, on the ‘main line’.

In August 1942 Jane and Clem, two 15-inch guns, came into operation overlooking Fan Bay Battery, an emergency battery with three six-inch guns. Jane was originally designed for HMS Repulse and named after a Daily Mirror cartoon character. Clem was said to be named after the Labour leader Clement Attlee (1883-1967) or Winston Churchill’s (1874-1965) wife Clementine (1885-1977)! These were wire wound guns made of a composite of steel and steel wire. The construction was introduced in the 1890’s to deal with the increased pressures in the barrel caused by the use of the then new propellant – cordite. Radar was installed and linked with the guns that proved successful.

There were also three 13.5-inch calibre railway guns manned by Royal Marines and called Gladiator, Piecemaker and Sceneshifter. During periods of inaction, these guns were normally hidden in the Guston tunnel but sometimes in the tunnel at Shepherdswell.

The Battery at South Foreland was equipped with four 9.2-inch guns, while near the Dover Patrol Memorial was the Bruce gun. An experimental, hypervelocity gun built by Vickers and weighing 86-tons. The barrel was 60 feet long and could fire a shell weighing 256lbs over a distance of 100,000 yards – 57-miles. However, it was never fired in anger due to the enormous pressure affecting the shell fuses causing some to explode prematurely in mid-flight. All the real guns were hidden under camouflage netting, while dummy ones were partially concealed on the cliff top site, which accounts for the reason why the cliff top is pitted with craters.

Dover Martin Line near Martin Mill post war the line ceased post war. Norman Jonstone

Dover Martin Line near Martin Mill post war the line ceased post war. Norman Jonstone

By late 1944, the operational use of the Martin Mill Military Railway was declining, only being used to move stores and equipment. Following the end of hostilities, the Light Railway Company resumed management and some of the track was sold for export to Tanganyika as part of the ill-fated Groundnut Scheme (1947-1951). However, beyond that and seeking repeated extensions, nothing else happened and in 1952, the company officially ceased trading.

By that time, the route across the cliffs had become a favourite walk but in the spring of 1954, due to the Cold War, the military began erecting a 5-foot chestnut fence on either side of what had been the 6-foot wide track. Vigorous protests were made and the military agreed to remove the fence from the seaward side except where it enclosed military installations. Three years later the Big Guns – Jane, Clem, Winnie and Pooh were dismantled and uprooted from their reinforced concrete emplacements. The smaller guns were also removed.

Footpath over the Eastern Cliffs following the old railway line

Footpath over the Eastern Cliffs following the old railway line

About 200 acres of land, which had been commandeered by the military between Dover and St Margaret’s, was de-requisitioned following the stand-down of Coastal Artillery in 1956. Much of the remaining railway track was lifted although the rails and bridges at the Martin Mill end were still in situ in 1960. At that time, the Ministry of Transport was considering using the track for a motorway approach to Eastern Docks.

Finally, during the post-war period, Marine Parade was widened and the Sea Front Railway safety fence was removed. In order to tell tourists to remove their parked cars off the track, a man with a red flag walked in front of the trains! Robert Eade, Dover’s Mayor in 1961, was one. By that time freight traffic, using the service was declining and the last train – a diesel locomotive pulling three wagons, ran on the 31 December 1964. The lines were eventually covered with tarmac.

  • Presented:
  • June 2011
Posted in Dover St Margaret's and Martin Mill Railway Line - Part II, Dover St Margaret's and Martin Mill Railway Line - Part II, Dover St Margaret's and Martin Mill Railway Line - Part II, Dover St Margaret's and Martin Mill Railway Line - Part II, Kent Coal Field, Langdon, Railways, World War II | Comments Off on Dover, St Margaret’s and Martin Mill Railway Line – Part II

Dover, St Margaret’s and Martin Mill Railway Line – Part I

Footpath over the Eastern Cliffs following the old railway line

Footpath over the Eastern Cliffs following the old railway line

At the cliff end of Athol Terrace, near Eastern Docks, Dover, a steep footpath leads up the cliff and then along Langdon Cliffs towards St Margaret’s. From the footpath, one can watch the daily activities of Dover’s Eastern Docks and Channel shipping beyond. On clear day, the coast France with the Strait of Dover, like a wide river, in between is quite a site. As one traverses the path, it becomes apparent that it was once a railway track.

The story begins in 1892 when Dover Harbour Board (DHB) accepted the tender of John Jackson (1851-1919) for the building of the Eastern Arm of the new Commercial Harbour – the Prince of Wales Pier. Four years later, in August 1896, the Undercliff Reclamation Act received Royal Assent. The Act was for laying out land on the South Foreland, near St Margaret’s, where a new ‘Dover’ was to be built.

Sir William Crundall (1847-1934)

Sir William Crundall (1847-1934)

The Parliamentary Bill had been sponsored by Sir William Crundall (1847-1934), thirteen times Mayor of Dover from 1886 to 1910. Crundall owned a construction company that had been founded by his late father, also called William. Both father and son were the prime movers in the development of Dover’s town planning:
– On the west side of the River Dour cottages for the working class – Clarendon estate
– On the east side homes for the lower middle class i.e. Barton Road neighbourhood
– Below the Castle and nearer the sea, villas for the upper middle class i.e. the Castle Avenue estate.
The next part of their dream for Dover was to be a private estate on the South Foreland for the well-to-do upper classes.

Sir John Jackson - Civil Engineer. Internet

Sir John Jackson – Civil Engineer. Internet

Crundall had been appointed to DHB in 1886 and twenty years later, in 1906, he was elected Chairman of the Board. He was to hold the office until his death in 1934. Two other businessmen were involved in the proposed South Foreland scheme, Sir John Jackson, who had won the contract for building the Prince of Wales Pier. The third person involved in the South Foreland enterprise was the eminent construction engineer Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray. His company had tendered to build the proposed Admiralty Harbour, which would enclose the whole of Dover bay.

Weetman Pearson - 1st Viscount Cowdray. internet

Weetman Pearson – 1st Viscount Cowdray. internet

The three men decided that access to the South Foreland site was to be by a road starting from the shore by Castle Jetty, at the east end of Dover’s seafront. It would then run along the base of the cliffs before gently rising to South Foreland at St Margaret’s. To reduce anticipated opposition while the Undercliff Reclamation Bill was going through Parliament, the main purpose given was the prevention of sea erosion at the base of the cliffs. This was substantiated by Sir John Jackson calling an expert witness who proclaimed the necessity. Dover Corporation echoed this and showed that over the previous 25 years the encroachment of the sea had given rise to numerous cliff falls.

It was agreed that in time an Undercliff marine road would be built on the inside of a seawall between Dover and St Margaret’s Bay but not in the foreseeable future. In the immediate future a road if built, they implied, would go over the cliffs.  Thus the opposition centred their argument on this saying that if the over-cliff road were to go ahead, it would effectively put public land into private hands. This was dealt with by amendment to the Bill by giving the over-cliff road a lower priority than the Undercliff marine road … either way, the three men got exactly what they wanted!

Before the Bill had received parliamentary approval, excavations began. Initially, the men stated that 500 convicts from the then Langdon prison would be part of the workforce. However, Herbert Asquith, the Home Secretary, refused to comply! For the residents of Athol Terrace, permission for the compulsorily purchase of their front gardens was given and the road we see today was laid at their doorsteps.

The Admiralty Harbour, we see today, was given the go ahead by the government on 5 April 1898 when the contract was signed. Viscount Cowdray’s company (Pearsons) were the main contractors, Sir John Jackson was a subcontractor and Dover Harbour Board, under Sir William Crundall, was actively involved.

Eastern Arm - Reclamation April 1900. DHB Archives

Eastern Arm – Reclamation April 1900. DHB Archives

To build the Piers and the Breakwater of the new Admiralty Harbour, Pearsons used locally made concrete blocks and faced them with granite. The concrete blocks were made at two blockyards, one on Shakespeare beach in the west and the second on reclaimed land to the east of Castle Jetty, where the Undercliff marine road was proposed to start. To reclaim land the cliff face was blasted and the surplus chalk was removed by steam-navvies – locomotive driven excavators made by Ruston, Proctor & Co, Sheaf Ironworks, Lincoln. Soon a level platform, some 24½ acres (9.915 hectares), was created at the base of the eastern cliffs where the massive blocks were made and stored.

The blocks were made out of sand and shingle brought by ship from Stonar, near Sandwich and unloaded into trucks at the Castle Jetty. From there the trucks were manually pushed along a narrow-gauge track to the blockyard. However, the sea journey was subject to the vagaries of the weather and so it was decided to run a Standard gauge Light Railway line (engines could not go more than 25 miles an hour) from Martin Mill, the nearest station on the South East and Chatham Railway line between Dover and Deal.

Dover Martin Mill Pearson Railway Line - schematic drawing

Dover Martin Mill Pearson Railway Line – schematic drawing

The three and a half mile track was pegged out by June 1898. It ran from the Dover side of Martin Mill main line station parallel to the Dover – Deal line for about a mile. Crossing two roads on bridges made of brick abutments with supporting iron girders. Just before the main line Guston Tunnel the Pearson line veered south towards the coast and then along an embankment passing under the Dover-Deal road (A258) near the Swingate Inn. Past Bere Farm, West Cliffe, the line continued south-east crossing the Dover -St Margaret’s Upper Road by a gate. It then turned south-west, following the cliff contours, skirting Langdon Bay. Running west, it followed the edge of Langdon Cliff for about half a mile where metal frames were erected on the cliff edge to stop chalk falling on the works below.

Much of the land that the Pearson railway, as it was called, crossed, was owned by the Cliff Land Company the principal owner of which was Frederick George North, 8th Earl of Guilford (1876–1949) of Waldershare Park. Back in 1844, with the coming of the South Eastern Railway to Dover, the Guilford family had made an application to build 1,500 houses on land to the north of the Castle with an approach road from Castle Jetty. The family still had this dream and the 8th Earl made a deal with Pearsons to charge £25 per year ground rent with the option to buy the standard gauge line, once the lease had expired, for £3,000. It was planned that the Cliff Land Company would use the railway for a passenger service to the development. From Langdon Hole to East Cliff the land was owned by the War Office. They stipulated that the track was to be completed by December 1899. Further, that the Pearson railway was only to be used for carrying materials and the site had to be restored to its original condition.

Dover, Martin Mill Railway - Funicular. Norman Johnson

Dover, Martin Mill Railway – Funicular. Norman Johnson

At the end of the line was a chute down which the materials were fed to the block yard. This quickly proved a problem and was replaced by a funicular, down the cliff face, with side tipping skips to ease unloading. At the bottom, the skips were pushed by hand along a narrow-gauge track built on trestles to the blockyard and emptied into one of six lines of mixers where some 250 blocks were made at once. These were moved by blockyard goliaths – cranes with a span of 100-feet that could lift 50-tons.

The excavations were not without problems. In October 1898, fuses and explosives were taken and deliberately fired at the rear of the sea front East Cliff houses. In September 1899, Albert Knowler was killed during blasting and three months later, a fire in the East Cliff office burnt a man to death. Then, on 19 January 1900, as men were preparing to blast some more of the cliff face there was a massive explosion. Five men, George Jeffries, aged 24, – who later died – James Murton, Ernest Dutton, William Davies and Algenon Gibbs were all injured. In May 1900, labourer Bill Chadwick age-32, was killed by a lump of chalk during blasting at East Cliff.

Eastern Blockyard 1901. Bob Hollingsbee

Eastern Blockyard 1901. Bob Hollingsbee

Neither was the new railway line without controversy, much to the annoyance of the local tourist industry it caused the North Fall Tunnel, a pathway created by the Dover Chamber of Commerce in 1870 to provide a short cut from the beach to the Castle, to be destroyed. In its place, a new path with a steep gradient was excavated up to Broadlees, some distance east of the Castle. This path was expected to be extended in the direction of St Margaret’s Bay and eventually to become the over-cliff road, one of the two options that was envisaged to connected Dover with New Dover – the superlative estate that Crundall, Jackson and Cowdray planned to build at the South Foreland.

The actual building of the Eastern Arm was started in January 1901 and Crundall, Cowdray and Jackson applied for a Light Railway Order to extend the Pearson railway to the South Foreland. A Light Railway order would allow the trains to run on a standard track but at no more than 25 miles an hour, however, this the degree of regulation was less than that applied to main line services and therefore cheaper to set up, run and maintain.  The proposal said that the line would run from Athol Terrace, up a 1-in-28 gradient along a 60-foot wide ‘road’ cut into the face of the cliff to Langdon Battery. It would then cross the fields to St Margaret’s to the proposed site of New Dover, before continuing to Martin Mill and joining the main line.

The start of the building of Eastern Arm 1901

The start of the building of Eastern Arm 1901

The application stated that it would be a tram/railway service powered by electricity – the local electricity company was then in private ownership and Crundall was the Chairman. There was also the stated intention of extending the line from the Eastern Dockyard, as it became to be called, along Dover’s seafront, Union Street, Strond Street and then to the Harbour station, on the western side of what became the Western Docks. There the proposed line would join the main South East and Chatham Railway line. Another line would go from the existing Deal line at Buckland and then via River to Bushy Ruff in the Alkham Valley.

In April 1902 a public inquiry, headed by the Earl of Jersey, was held into the application. It was agreed that the Company could lay down lines for a light railway in the Borough of Dover, but they could not exercise that power for two years. This was to give time to Dover Corporation, if desirable, to obtain the authority to extend their tramways. Further, on the proposed light railway to Bushy Ruff in the Alkham Valley, this was to terminate at River church and go no further. The application explicitly stated that the tram/railway would be a passenger service, which contravened the agreement with the Earl of Guilford. He immediately sought legal advice and eventually laid out his landholdings on the cliff top as a seaside residential resort.

South Foreland. Dover Museum

South Foreland. Dover Museum

Crundall, against considerable opposition, in 1907, gained permission to develop the area around the South Foreland. This would, claimed the local paper, Dover Express, turn the acres east of Dover into a ‘land flowing with milk and honey, with many noble marine residences.‘ In the meantime, the land from Bere Farm to Langdon Hole, owned by the Earl of Guilford and designated as a seaside residential resort, was taken over by the War Office.

, gained permission to develop the area around the South Foreland. This would, claimed the local paper, Dover Express, turn the acres east of Dover into a ‘land flowing with milk and honey, with many noble marine residences.‘ In the meantime, the land from Bere Farm to Langdon Hole, owned by the Earl of Guilford and designated as a seaside residential resort, was taken over by the War Office.

At the western end of the harbour, the Admiralty Pier extension was completed in 1908 and South Eastern and Chatham Railway Company, with representatives on the Dover Harbour Board, proposed to erect a grand new terminal station at the landward end. Early the following year, Crundall, as Chairman of DHB, invited tenders to widen Admiralty Pier for the possibility of a new railway station. The Lords of the Admiralty visited and discussed the proposals and on 15 may 1909, Pearsons were given the contract.

Admiralty Harbour Final Stone laid by the Prince of Wales 15 October 1909

Admiralty Harbour Final Stone laid by the Prince of Wales 15 October 1909

The Admiralty Harbour was officially opened on the 15 October 1909 by the Prince of Wales, later George V (1910-1936) who unveiled a stone commemorating the event on the Eastern Arm. Two months before, on 9 August, the Dover, St Margaret’s and Martin Mill Light Railway Company (Light Railway Company) was formed. Crundall, Cowdray and Jackson owned 25 shares each and four others owned one share each. One of these shareholders was Richard Tilden Smith who later became the main shareholder of Tilmanstone Colliery.

Later that month planning permission was given by Dover Corporation for the utilisation of the Light Railway Company line as a public tramway. The residents of East Cliff objected but their concerns were dismissed by the Corporation and John Bavington Jones, of the Dover Express.

Excavations by a Steam-Navvy

Excavations by a Steam-Navvy

Work started on 21 July 1910 to widen the shore end of the Admiralty Pier for the new railway station comprising of over 11 acres. Chalk for in-filling was taken from East Cliff excavated by the steam-navvy machines. The excavations also created a new road. However, because of the cliffs are so steep when the ‘road’ reached the top it had to be cut in a series of zigzags. This problem was expected to be dealt with later, when the rest of the road was nearing completion.

At the base of East Cliff, railway lines were used to transport the chalk to Castle Jetty where it was loaded onto barges and taken across to Admiralty Pier. In 1910, while the excavations were going on, Channel Collieries Trust was set up to purchase land near South Foreland. Their remit stated that they would build a residential estate, approached by a Cliff Road and the St Margaret’s Light Railway from Dover. The Trust syndicate was composed of … Crundall, Cowdray and Jackson! The road from the excavations was started on 21 July 1910.

The last coping stone on the Admiralty Pier extension was laid by Crundall on 2 April 1913. A month later work started on building the Marine Station, the foundations having been filled in by 1 million cubic yards of chalk from the eastern cliffs.

Two months before, in February 1913, DHB chaired by Crundall, filed a Parliamentary Bill to make changes to the Tidal Basin at the Western Docks. As a supplementary, the Channel Collieries Trust sort consent to replace the western half of the seafront and beach with a 5.75 acre dock and terminus for a Light Railway Company. This went down badly in Dover and a petition was raised followed by a poll that took place on 20 May 1913. Of those eligible to vote, 2,265 voted against the Bill’s Supplement and 1,508 for it. The Supplement was withdrawn.

Richard Tilden Smith. Dover Museum

Richard Tilden Smith. Dover Museum

On 13 April, a closed meeting of the Light Railway Company was held when it was announced that Cowdray and Crundall had sold their shares, by transfer, to the Channel Collieries Trust. The four holders of the single shares in Light Railway Company were not invited to the meeting – the first they heard about it was when they read the national newspapers. A bitter legal battle ensued with Richard Tilden-Smith unsuccessfully trying to seek redress. In the event, Sir John Jackson and two nominees owned the controlling shares in the Light Railway Company.

At the time, the East Kent coalmining industry was taking off. Arthur Burr, a mining entrepreneur and major shareholder of several companies with interests in the Kent coalfield, was the leading light. One of these companies was Kent Coal Concessions. Arthur Burr had formed it in 1896 with the purpose of buying potential underground coal fields but not surface land. The intention was lease the coalfields for a share of the royalties. By 1906, the company had secured coal mining rights in East Kent sufficient, it was said, for 20 collieries.

Arthur Burr. Dover Museum

Arthur Burr. Dover Museum

East Kent Colliery Company also was part of Burr’s portfolio and its holdings included Snowdown Colliery.  North of Dover, at Snowdown Colliery  the first commercial East Kent coal raised on 19 November 1912. About that time, Burr announced the intention of floating a new company, as a subsidiary of Kent Coal Concessions, to ‘exploit undeveloped areas of East Kent.’

A previous similar floatation had not been a commercial success and the Company Board were not happy. The situation came to a head at a meeting on 31 July 1913 when Burr, along with his son, Dr Malcolm Burr, were ‘retired’ from the Board. The remaining directors consolidated Kent Coal Concessions with allied companies including Kent Collieries Ltd that had extensive mineral rights and had been undertaking mineral exploration. Towards the end of 1913 the giant steel firm, Dorman Long, in which Cowdray was involved, reported that they held 30,000 shares in the Channel Collieries Trust Company, whose holdings included the East Kent Colliery Company, part of the Burr portfolio. Borings had confirmed the existence of iron stone. Dorman Long also had interests in Kent Collieries Ltd.

The road to St Margaret's in the making

The road to St Margaret’s in the making

Just before the outbreak of World War I (1914-1918), in May 1914, Burr attempted to raise £77,000 in debentures and £800,000 in income bonds for his East Kent Colliery Company. However, little interest was shown and the holdings were handed over to Kent Coal Concessions, by the Official Receiver, with the remit to consolidate. Following consolidation the company held mineral rights under some 20,000 acres of East Kent. In December 1917, Burr was declared bankrupt with debts amounting to £53,176 but he died in September 1919 age 70.

At Dorman Long & Co.’s AGM held in August 1917, it was reported that their investments, through the Channel Collieries Trust Ltd, were a satisfactory £877,304, even though the War had stopped any further excavations. Albeit, with the consent of the Treasury, a fusion of the different East Kent coal interests was agreed with the two chief companies, Kent Collieries Ltd and the Channel Collieries Trust put into voluntary liquidation. Out of this, the Channel Steel Company was formed with a capital of £750,000. It was reported to the assembled shareholders that it was the existence of a large deposit of ironstone in East Kent that had provided the name of the new company.

  • Presented:
  • June 2011
Posted in Dover St Margaret's and Martin Mill Railway Line - Part I, Dover St Margaret's and Martin Mill Railway Line - Part I, Kent Coal Field, Langdon, Port and Transport | Comments Off on Dover, St Margaret’s and Martin Mill Railway Line – Part I

SS Peter and Paul Church, Charlton and the Rev. Sidney Faithorn Green

Charlton north of Dover - Hasted 1798

Charlton north of Dover – Hasted 1798

Charlton is a parish adjoining the town of Dover to the north. Indeed Dover’s High Street was originally the London Road passing through Charlton where it was that village’s High Street – not Dover’s! Charlton Green, now Castleton Shopping Centre and along Bridge Street and Frith Road, from Saxon times, belonged to the Barony of Chilham, some six miles the other side of Canterbury. This was because Edward the Confessor (1042-1066) was one of the prebends of the ancient monastery of St Martin-le-Grand, which stood near Dover’s Market Square, and his possessions included Chilham!

At that time, Charlton had only a few inhabitants but it did have a corn mill that belonged to St Martin-le-Grand. Much of Charlton, south of the mill, was given to the Maison Dieu in 1203 so when the church was built, sometime before 1291, it was located near the northern boundary with the parish of Buckland and close to the mill. For reasons not altogether clear the area around and including the church – Charlton Green – became a rectoral manor.

Charlton boundary stone with Buckland. Wall belongs to the parish of Charlton- SS Peter & Paul Churchyard

Charlton boundary stone with Buckland. Wall belongs to the parish of Charlton- SS Peter & Paul Churchyard

Dedicated to St Peter and St Paul, the church was still part of the Barony of Chilham in Edward II (1307-1327) reign, when it was given to Bartholomew de Badlesmere (1275-1322). He was arrested and following his trial at Canterbury was hung, drawn and quartered at Blean on 14 April 1322. Albeit, the Church, together with Charlton Green, remained in possession of the Badlesmere family up until the Reformation (1529-1536). The manor was then transferred to John Monins, the second son of a Lydden family, who was at the time Lieutenant of Dover Castle. About this time Charlton Green became a separate entity to the Church and on 6 July every year a fair was celebrated on the Green. By all accounts, it was one of the best fairs in the neighbourhood but as developers needed more land the fair diminished in size until it finally ceased in the mid 19th century.

Charlton Church, at this time, was tiny consisting of a nave and chancel but later extended to a cruciform design. In 1827, it was rebuilt following the ancient foundations of a nave and a chancel with north and south chapels that formed a transept, together with a west porch and a small bell turret. The list of the rectors is almost complete and interesting information is still available on many of them and there is ample evidence to show that both St Martin-le-Grand and the Maison Dieu had strong connections with the church.

In 1447, John Goldsmith was the rector of both Charlton and of St John the Baptist, which was a parish church within St Martin-le-Grand. Sir John Clark, the Master of the Maison Dieu, was the rector of Charlton Church between 1514 and 1541 and it was around 1495, that he sought Henry VII’s (1485-1509) patronage to turn a small natural cove at Archcliffe Point into a commodious harbour – the start of what eventually became Western Docks.

During the time of the Civil Wars and the Interregnum (1642–1660), there was considerable upheaval within the English Protestant church. John Hume, an Anglican was the rector of Charlton from 1638-1646 when he was deposed and charged with drunkenness, that he kept an alehouse, observed Anglican ceremonies and behaved indecently with women. He was finally ejected from the living for refusing to read Parliamentary Declarations and fled to Oxford to avoid imprisonment. Following the Restoration, in 1660, he returned as rector until his death. In the interim, the incumbents were Nicholas North 1646, J Pemberton 1646 and Jonas Wheeler 1657.

From 1700 to 1730, when religious persecution was not so prevalent in England, David Compredon was the rector. He was also the minister at the French Huguenot Church in Dover. The Huguenots were French Protestants that had fled from France following the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1684. The Edict had come about in 1598, after thirty years of unrest and much bloodshed between Catholics and Protestants in France. The French king, Henry IV (1553-1610) issued the Edict giving the freedom of conscience and worship to Protestants. In 1684, Louis XIV (1643-1715) Revoked the Edict, which initiated persecution of the Huguenots that amounted to genocide. Those who managed to escape sought asylum in other countries, including England. This author’s husband is of Huguenot stock.

Rev. Frederick Augustus Glover (1800-1881) was rector of Charlton Church from 1837 until 1845. It was during his time, in 1840, that the first parochial school for Charlton was built near the church. A very clever man, Rev. Glover registered with the Patent Office the specification of an ‘improved instrument for measuring of angles.’ Like his predecessor, Sir John Clark, he took great interest in Dover Harbour writing knowledgeable books, tracts and pamphlets. He also wrote on political and theological disputes of that time that had an impact in some Oxbridge colleges.

From the time of the Reformation, the Monins family had held the patronage of the rectory and in 1865, this had an annual value of £300. However, much of it went to Archbishop of Canterbury leaving only a small stipend to the rector that was augmented by parishioners purchasing pews in the church. In 1847, the church was enlarged for which £200 was obtained from the Incorporated Church Building Society but as a condition of the gift, 258 sittings – nearly all of them- were made free. This would have been a disaster except that the next incumbent, Rev. John Francis Baynham, had sufficient wealth of his own for it to be a problem. He was appointed rector in 1852 but before his death on 23 December 1888, and using his own money, he placed the patronage of the church into the hands of Keble College, Oxford. This was to ensure that the living would be adequate and secure.

 Fr Sidney Faithorn Green Rector 1889-1914. Courtesy of Fr Colin Johnson

Fr Sidney Faithorn Green Rector 1889-1914. Courtesy of Fr Colin Johnson

Rev. Baynham recommended Rev. Sidney Faithorn Green (1842-1916) as his successor. The latter was born in Eltham, Kent and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, gaining his degree 1863 and ordained by Bishop James Fraser of Manchester in 1865. Initially, he was appointed as curate at the diocese church at Swinton, near Manchester, and four years later appointed rector of St John the Evangelist, Miles Platting, Manchester. As a teetotaller, he soon became well known for his work with the temperance movement.

At the time, as Rev. Frederick Augustus Glover recorded, heated discussions were taking place within the Anglican Church. A number of Oxbridge intellectuals argued for the inclusion of traditional aspects of liturgy from medieval religious practice to be reintroduced, saying that the Anglican Church had become too ‘plain’. On the other hand, the majority, headed by the influential Church Association, saw this as a move towards Roman Catholicism that could not be tolerated.

Rev. Green’s predecessor, at Miles Platting, had kept a ‘plain‘ church but Rev. Green introduced candlesticks and a brass cross to the Communion Table. Some members of the congregation saw this as the first step towards Roman Catholicism. Albeit, Rev. Green ignored their protestations, carried on in his ministering and in 1873 he married. The couple, over the next few years, had two sons and six daughters.

Nationally, the Church Association continued to agitate and in 1874, the Public Worship Regulation Act was introduced. This limited ‘ritualism’ within Anglican churches and established a secular court to hear cases of ‘ritualism’. An archdeacon, churchwarden or three adult male parishioners could make representations in order to bring a case against a minister. If found guilty, there was no right of Appeal.

During the four years after the Act was introduced Rev. Green was subjected to a number of complaints to Bishop Fraser. Then on 18 May 1878, 320 parishioners sent in a formal petition. They accused Rev. Green of ‘propagation of false doctrine and deadly error’ and prayed ‘the Bishop to eradicate this abominable idolatry.

Bishop Fraser was reluctant to act so the case was taken up by the Church Association who made a detailed accusation. This was in relation to the Eucharist and is complex; I therefore sought the help of Father Peter Sherred of Dover, to explain. In essence, ‘in Anglo catholic tradition when consecrated the wafers and wine become the real presence of Christ i.e. the physical presence (Transubstantiation) so kneeling before them is Reverencing the divine body and blood. In a low church, which is more protestant form of Anglicanism, such things as vestments, candles, incense and other rituals may not feature and there would be no Reverencing of the bread and wine by kneeling etc. because here the bread and wine are representations of Christ’s body and blood rather than actual (Consubstantiation).’

The case was eventually heard on 10 June 1879 but Rev. Green’s lawyers having said that the Court lacked authority advised him not to attend. In his absence, judgement was made against him but Rev. Green carried on with his ministerial duties. In November that year, proceedings were started against him for contempt of Court and on 19 March 1880, Rev. Green was arrested and imprisoned in Lancaster Castle.

An appeal was made by his counsel, first to the Queen’s Bench and then to the House of Lords but in both cases without success. Eventually, after Rev. Green had endured twenty months imprisonment, Bishop Fraser successfully applied to the Court for a relaxation of the order. He was released but the Church Association claimed costs amounting to £293.7s.8d. Rev. Green was forced to sell most of the family possessions to clear the debt. Without a job, Rev. Green went to London, where he took casual work until eventually he was offered the curacy of a church in Kensington. In 1889, on the recommendation of Rev. Baynham, he was offered the incumbency as rector of St Peter and Paul Church, Charlton.

 Old SS Peter & Paul Church. Courtesy of Fr Colin Johnson

Old SS Peter & Paul Church. Courtesy of Fr Colin Johnson

Rev. Green was formerly inducted to the Charlton Church in the Anglo-Catholic ’ritualistic’ tradition. This was in obedience to a mandate of the Archbishop of Canterbury (1883-1896) Edward Benson (1829-1896). The induction took place on Tuesday 30 April 1889 by Reverend Canon Puckle of St Mary’s Church, Dover, in his capacity as the Rural Dean. It began with a procession of clergy and choir entering the Church by the main door, which was then closed. The key was given to Rev. Green who locked the door from the inside and then walked to the other end of the church and rang the bell. Returning to the main door, he unlocked it and admitted the congregation waiting outside. This was followed by a traditional evening service where Canon Puckle made the pronouncement that, ‘the Church of England was not a church because it was established, but it was established because it was Christ’s.’

SS Peter & Paul Church - drawing of proposed Bell Tower west side. Courtesy Fr Colin Johnson

SS Peter & Paul Church – drawing of proposed Bell Tower west side. Courtesy Fr Colin Johnson

When Rev. Green was appointed rector of Charlton, the village was undergoing rapid expansion. With much of the housing, we see today along and adjacent to Barton Road being built. The new church, designed by James Brooks (1825-1901) and built by J J Wise of Deal, is cruciform of stone in the early English style, has a central fleche with one bell and, at the time, 700 sittings. The original plans show that the new church was to have a transept on the west side and a separate bell tower. Costing over £13,000 it was consecrated on 19 April 1893, the feast day of St Alphege (954-1012). The English Church Union gave £1,200 to pay for the Chancel as a, ‘memorial to the sacrifice of position and personal liberty which Rev. Green had made.’

SS Peter & Paul Charlton - Altar of old Church c 1100 - 1891 Churchyard. Courtesy of Fr Colin Johnson

SS Peter & Paul Charlton – Altar of old Church c 1100 – 1891 Churchyard. Courtesy of Fr Colin Johnson

However, Rev. Green loved the original squat church, close by the River Dour, where he had first been able to conduct services in the way he believed. Following its demolition, he erected a white stone cross, not far from the boundary wall, at his own expense. This was the spot where the altar of the old church had stood; today it is marked by a plaque set in the grass. Following the demolition of the old Church, Barton Riverside Path was laid and extended from Frith Road along the riverbank up to Cherry Tree Avenue, forming a pleasant public walk that still exists today.

St Peter & St Paul Church, Charlton today

St Peter & St Paul Church, Charlton today

For a quarter of a century, Rev. Green administered to his flock at Charlton and was described as a quiet, unostentatious, hard-working parish priest. He resigned his position in July 1914 to take up a less demanding post in the quiet village of Luddenham with Stone. Before leaving, the congregation at Charlton presented him and his wife with £300 and an album containing the signatures of 275 subscribers. He only stayed at Luddenham for a short while, retiring due to ill health and died in Sydenham on 11 August 1916. The Reverend Faithorn Green was buried at Elmers End Cemetery, Beckenham. During the time his funeral took place, the bell at Charlton Church was tolled.

  • Published:
  • Dover Mercury: 20 September 2012
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